I’ve had painters remorse before, first time was when I painted my guest room in a spring green. One of my favorite green colors is the that spring green, you know the color of the buds on trees in the springtime. I painted my guestroom on a Friday night in a spring green color shortly after I moved into my home, on Saturday morning when I woke up I was horrified and realized some colors should just stay in nature! I rushed out the door to the Sherwin Williams store and purchased a more appropriate green (honeydew) and repainted the room when I got home. Unfortunately this current painters remorse isn’t going to be so easy.
I painted the vanity in my downstairs bathroom white today and as soon as the doors and drawer fronts were dry and I got them back on I realized I do not like the white vanity at all. While I’m hoping it grows on me I have a feeling I will be having this vanity refaced, back to wood. The wood vanity made the wainscot stand out better in my opinion then the white. This is what I get for not using my graphic software and “painting” on my photos before I do so in real life. Oh well lesson learned install my software on the laptop before I do any other changes in the house. I guess the one good thing about this will be purchasing new drawer and door fronts, if I’m going to have the vanity refaced might as well get the craftsman style doors and drawer fronts I want. I will have to live with the white until I can have the vanity resurfaced though 🙁
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