DIY Snowballs – 30 Days of Christmas Tour

DIY Snowballs


I am so excited to be participating in Crafty Night Owls 30 Days of Christmas Series!  For this tour I will show you how to make faux snowballs!

Here’s an easy way to make some diy snowballs for your Christmas decor!

Supplies you will need:

*Styrofoam balls (I used two different sizes a 2″ and a 2.5″)*Quilt Batting
* Spray adhesive
*Ties (like the sandwich bag ties)
*Diamond Dust


DIY Snowballs


Step 1: Cut out a square of batting to wrap around your ball, cut it so there will be some excess that you will cut off later.


DIY Snowballs


Step 2: Gather the batting around the ball and tie off with a sandwich tie.




Step 3: Cut excess batting off.



Step 4: Spray with your spray adhesive and roll in your diamond dust!

DIY Snowballs


DIY Snowballs - Dio Home Improvements


This post is a part of the 30 Days Of Christmas tour that is being hosted by Crafty Night Owls

30 days of Christmas


Other Christmas DIY projects you may be interested in:





DIY Deer Head

DIY Pipe Cleaner Ornament

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